About My Journey...

I was born into an Indian catholic family with two different cultural food influences (my dad was Portuguese and mom from Mangalore- along the western coast of India). My mother, Julia instilled the love of food and fresh ingredients into me from a very young age. From the smell of the fish market and abundance of fresh produce, to the bellowing of the vegetable vendors and my mom’s relentless bargaining skills, all of it was an essential part of carving this niche for the love of food in my heart. I would sit on the kitchen counter and watch her for hours. Every dish - Perfect and Garnished with Love!

My early years as a professional dancer with The Shiamak Davar Dance Company opened up my world to creative movement and soulful expression. Along with a a desire to be really fit, it was also my introduction to teaching people from different walks of life how to live healthier and happier lives in a fun, creative way.

Then came my journey with lululemon - where I found encouragement and inspiration through everyday interactions with  some amazing humans who were up to just living Big goals and making a difference in their own lives and communities! 

Now in my current role as a Trainer and Holistic Nutritionist with Innovative Fitness - its a place where I feel everything comes together. The training and the years of connecting with people and their goals for living healthier, active and more engaged lives. It has really provided me the platform to build a stronger, healthier community and celebrate deeper connections with people.

All of these journeys have been instrumental in shaping my passion and have provided me the opportunity to DO WHAT I LOVE & LOVE WHAT I DO, so I am ever grateful!

I realized that I truly wanted to commit to this health journey when I became a mother. I now had more resolve and courage to pursue my passions, because I no longer had the luxury of time and second-guessing myself. With my first born, my son Zayaan who is now 14 years old, I had had a Cc-section, had followed the traditional medical advice about formulas and pre-packaged baby foods etc. Being a young immigrant mother, I didn’t know any better! I saw him struggle with mild digestive issues and allergies and felt really helpless, while at the same time struggled with Post-partum depression.

My husband, Rohan had also had his share of digestive issues, that developed overtime and finally after trying everything possible from allergy testing, elimination diets, gluten and dairy free etc. a Gastro specialist diagnosis revealed - a full blown case of H. pylori and then with medication, a steady course of probiotics and some dietary changes, he finally got better.

I knew I had to do something and understand how our new environment, food choices and surroundings was impacting our health and well-being.

I decided to pursue my love for nutritional sciences that I developed while completing my Masters in Biochemistry, by getting certified as a Holistic Nutritionist. When I got pregnant with my second child, my daughter, Samaara who is now 5 years old, my whole outlook on food, the environment, and how we actually nourish ourselves, had changed drastically. I ate and drank my way to a healthier, more natural and happier pregnancy!

I now recognize the struggle! First with not knowing enough about our food choices, the environment and our over all holistic well-being and then knowing but grappling to make healthier choices, that we are not accustomed to, as our old patterns are comforting and even uncontrollable. But, if they don’t serve us anymore, they need to go, so we can start, fully living and enjoying our life. We need to tune into our environment, wherever we go and eat locally sourced, sustainable foods that are in season, so that are bodies and minds can make those transitions easily.

About Simply NourishD           

It's my journey through the holistic realm of living, exploring new foods and learning to live in sync with nature, making every effort to sustain it. 

It’s a reminder to slow down, simplify and savor every moment of my life. One of my life's  philosophies that keeps me grounded is "Simplify to Amplify". Simplifying my thoughts, emotions, needs, actions always amplifies the results that I'm trying to achieve in life. I hope to capture that essence here. 

Its a platform to serve, especially families who want to make healthier food choices but struggle to accommodate the ever changing needs, schedules and preferences of its members. I look forward to educating and providing families and individuals the tools to make small sustainable changes in a more holistic way by respecting their individual needs and not falling into a trap of what healthy looks like and following difficult to sustain diets.

I look forward to connecting with you.
